Mayor Sam Joshi Pumped About Community Gardens

As soon as the weather warms up, shovels will hit the ground for Edison's very first Community Garden located in Swales Park!

The garden will boast 38 beds for growing fruits and vegetables, and work tables where residents can get to know each other while working side by side, as well as a community shed for storing supplies.

Residents have pushed for this for years and I'm so excited to see it finally happen. A community garden is a great place for kids and adults alike to connect with nature as well as each other.

Edison Arts Society has graciously agreed to facilitate a mural competition for the shed so that when people enter the garden, they'll be struck by both its natural and man-made beauty.

The Township is building the garden, but a nonprofit will run it. They've already worked out the process for residents to apply for a garden bed, and a few will be set aside to grow produce for local food pantries.

In this era of rising costs and high inflation, a single bed of fresh produce can make a tremendous difference for Edison residents' wallets.

We also realize that for many years residents had been using this area for pick-up volleyball games which is why we decided to install a new-and-improved sand volleyball court nearby!

Swales Park is ALSO getting a facelift!

A new walking path shaded with trees will be placed along the perimeter, and we will give the existing baseball diamond a proper backstop, creating the perfect place for informal pickup games.

Mayor Sam Joshi, Edison, New Jersey


Clean Up at Swales Park


Swales Park: Edison’s First Neighborhood Backyard