The Dwyer Community Gardens is locateed inside Dwyer Park on 50 Annette Drive in North Edison.
Dwyer Gardens is our second community garden opened in 2023. It has 55 beds including 4 ADA beds. The community gardens are part of the improvements to Dwyer Park which includes a walking path, a cricket pitch, and an upgraded playscape.

Special All Hands Dwyer Gardener Meeting
Friday, May 17 at 7:30pm on Zoom

Dywer Community Garden Construction Humming Along
The Township announced the Dwyer Community Garden on February 28th, 2023 at this year’s Mayor’s State of the Township Speech. In the last month, a lot of progress has been made in building the garden and we’ve been busy getting ready for its opening. Register today!

Introducing Dwyer Community Garden
Lighting might not strike twice, but we do. Our second community garden located in North Edison.