Get Your Garden Beds Now at Swales and Dwyer
Our vibrant community garden is calling for green thumbs like yours to join us!

April is National Garden Month
National Garden Month gives us an opportunity to celebrate what we love: things that grow, natural beauty, getting our hands dirty, sunshine, colorful flowers, fresh vegetables, and so much more.

Get Your Garden Bed Now!
Beds are still available at Dwyers Community Gardens in North Edison

Hands of Hope Donation
The last donation of our 2023 gardening season from Swales and Dwyer Community Gardens.

Hunger Action Month
September is Hunger Action Month and REPLENISH, Middlesex County's food distribution organization, is committed to making a significant impact in the lives of those experiencing food insecurity.

Parks for Pollinators
Help us find out which pollinators visit which Middlesex County parks!

Rain, Rain, Go Away…
With all the rain, it’s been a very wet summer. Some things like it that way.

No More Available Garden Beds at Swales Garden
All garden beds have been claimed. You can still register, but you will be added to the end of the waiting list.