Where is Swales Community Garden?
We’re located Somewhere Between Germantown Avenue and Now Street in Swales Park
So where is Swales Community Garden located? It would be nice if we had an address, but we’re not even 100% sure of the name of the street in front of our garden. Is it Now Street or Germantown Avenue? We don’t really know.
All we can tell you is that we’re located right behind St. James Episcopal Church at 2136 Woodbridge Ave. in Edison NJ. Swales Park was at one time the very center of Edison. It use to be the town commons back in the 18th century. If you use your GPS and put in Germantown Avenue, Edison NJ, it’ll get you very close — about a block away. We’re just a bit further down the road behind the white church building.
Stop by between 6:30pm and Sunset, and we’ll have someone from the Edison Community Garden Initiative there to help show you around. Or contact us at info@EdisonCommunityGardens.org and make an appointment for a tour.