Silver Lake Cleanup

Thursday Morning at 9am it was already 98° and volunteers from New York City and Piscataway were all ready to clean up Silver Lake.

The cool breeze along with the lush green canopy above gave the atmosphere a much cooler feel and the big group of volunteers took on the challenge of raking, cutting, moving the heavy dead branches and brush.

The branches would be crushed into wood chip and reuse on the property. After the clean up some bat houses and bird houses went up.

We are so thankful to the neighbors on both sides Harold and Elsaid. They were very instrumental in this project. Elsaid brought out tables, chairs, muffins, cold water and the use of bathroom for our volunteers while Harold was using the heavy machinery cutting of the branches. I don’t think all this would have been happening without their support.

Thank you to the Edison Public Works, Sanitation Dept, Health Dept including Bob Diehl, Jay Elliot, Ray Poerio, Rich, ETEC Commissioners, and all the Volunteers for a successful collaborative event.

Thanks to Edison Clean Communities for the generous supplies of gloves, bags and other items for these events.

Thank you David Weintraub our IT guy for jumping in and solving all our issues and so much more. We are so grateful to have you on our teams.

There is a lot more to do at Silver Lake if you or your group are interested in being a part of this project please message us.

A No Dumping sign was added at the end of Lakeview Blvd if caught dumping the fine is $2000.

Check out our cool pictures. You can see a lot more of Silver Lake from the street.

Enjoy the view.


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