Great Eagle Projects: Scouts Honor
We have a lot of projects we like to have with the Community Garden, and we know many Scouts are looking for possible Eagle Projects. Here is a list of some possible Eagle Projects. If you have a special project you would like to do, but not listed here, let us know :
Message Board: We would like a message board where we can post information.
Rain Collection System: We would like a system to collect rain which we can use to help water our beds.
Parameter Landscaping: We would like some landscaping around our garden.
Rain Garden: There are a few areas in Swales Park with poor drainage, and these would be excellent places for a rain garden.
Pollinator Garden: A pollinator garden attracts native butterflies and bees, These gardens can help these creatures to survive and thrive in our area.
Little Free Garden: You’ve probably seen the Little Free Libraries that abound around out town, These are little boxes that allow people to either give away or take books that other people have donated. There’s are quite a few Little Free Libraries over in Highland Park and Metuchen. See the map.We want to do something similar — a place where people can pick up free plants or drop off some plants. We should also include a seed library too
Benches: We now have garden beds, but no benches in the garden. We could use some benches to give those people who are working on their gardens a place to sit and relax. A have tables would be good too.
Organize the Shed: We need tools to loan people and we need them organized, so they’re easy to find in our shed. Collect the tools, and then create an organization system for tool storage.
We will be happy to work with you, and we will help you come up with a plan to maintain your project, so it will last for years. Please contact us if you’re interested.