The Work Continues…
Our garden shed. Not the green thing in the background. The pile of lumber in front.
The fence is now up. They’re putting dirt into the three foot border between the fence and the garden. This can be used for perimeter landscaping of some sort. Maybe a pollinator garden. The shed has arrived. The wood for the planters has been cut. The blocks to support the planters are here. Everything is rushing towards completion.
Well, not yet. Unfortunately, the gates have not yet arrived. Until the gates arrive and the area can be secured, the township is reluctant to build any of the structures inside the garden. Building supply issues strike again.
I was told that the gates are expected very soon, and once the gates are here, the rest of the garden will be finished very quickly. Unfortunately, almost all construction projects nowadays are subject to delays. And the arrival time of needed parts now is unpredictable.
We’ll keep you informed of our progress. Everyone from the township is working as quickly as they can towards completion. We hope soon we’ll be able to start planting. We’ve spent over two years on getting this garden moving. We have backing from the township and the mayor. We hope to have some bigger news in a couple of weeks.
Thanks everyone for your patience.